Transmedia storytelling to foster productive skills through multimodal compositions.
Ramírez Beltrán, Angie Viviana
Director / Asesor / Tutor
Reina Moreno, Vanessa Andrea
Palabras claves
Alfabetización digital
Composición multimodal
Aula de inglés como lengua extranjera
Investigación - Acción
Narrativa transmedia
Action researchDigital literacy skills
EFL classroom
Multimodal composing
Transmedia storytelling
Show full item recordAbstract
This action research proposal addressed the need for change in teaching practices for English as a foreign language. The proposal emphasized the development of language production, focusing on multimodality and digital skills converging in a transmedia story. The research was conducted among EFL students at Colegio CEDID Guillermo Cano Isaza, using a qualitative research methodology. In order to integrate students' prior knowledge acquired through ICT and multimodality to develop productive skills, the study proposed a didactic and pedagogical approach based on a context-based transmedia narrative, allowing students to create multimodal compositions and expand the story. The study found that combining digital literacy skills, multimodal composition, and transmedia storytelling was effective in developing productive skills and vocabulary acquisition. This approach generated a collaborative and creative environment, integrating students' interests and informal learning strategies, while promoting meaningful interaction with the target language through various modes of communication.
Universidad Pedagógica Nacional
Programa académico
Licenciatura en Español y Lenguas Extranjeras